Racheal Notley, & NDP
How Racheal Ruined Alberta
NDP Promises to Balance the Alberta
Budget by 2017!!
In order to get elected Racheal Notley promised Albertans she would balance the budget in 2 years, but due to high school math, bad accounting and poor judgement by the NDP, Racheal, had to tell Albertans that the budget would not be balanced for 3 years. Racheal flipped this quote to Albertans, “We still get to a balanced budget, just a year later than what we talked about before.” (The NDP new the price of oil was against them in their wild claim to balance the budget) Later the NDP would switch horses again and further delay a balanced budget projection for another year and then finally they said it could not be balanced till 2024. She thought she could bullshit Albertans into another 4 year term with the same crap she used in 2015, saying she could balance the budget.
In real life we learn from our mistakes and correct are poor judgements or we end up with nothing. In government they keep on making the same mistake year after year and correct nothing. Career politicians like Racheal Notley will purposely misled the public just to get into power, power is what a socialist/communist thirsts for. A socialist has no intention on ever balancing a budget or helping the less advantaged, but they will go to any length to feed the hands, that vote to keep them in power. Much like the Communist Liberal Party of Canada’s leader, Justin Trudeau.
The NDP was elected May 5, 2015. The budget to be balanced in 3 years, an election promise. Was this plausible or was this a pipe dream fabricated by Racheal Notley and the NDP? Oil is a volatile commodity at the best of times and Alberta relies on royalties from oil production in the province for much of its revenue. Let’s take a look at the world oil markets and oil price trends when Notley made her fantastic promise. By clicking “Oil Prices” you will be taken to an Alberta Governmental site with an interactive 10 year oil price chart.
Oil Prices
As you can see from Jan. to Apr., the price of oil was going nowhere. Notley knew oil prices were in the $47 to $50 dollar range and, if she was going to balance the budget it was going to be on $50.00 dollar a barrel oil or less.
Notley would have known oil prices were not going to climb up from $50 dollars a barrel to $75 or $85 dollars, simply by listening to the world news on where the price of oil was headed.
FACT: In 2017, the province was paid 4.5 per cent of the oil’s value in royalties. Even when all taxes and fees are combined with those royalties, governments only received six per cent of revenue: $3.21 billion in total.
Maybe its time big oil started paying their fare share in Alberta. They should pay the Alberta Government at least 8.5% and not 6%. When big oil cuts costs it is always the worker who takes the cut, not upper management.
2017-GTHD-EN.pdf (taxpayer.com)
The Narwhal looks at big oils profits, and what they pay their executives.
How Alberta’s biggest oil companies are still raking in billions – The Narwhal
Would it have been prudent for Notley and the NDP to take notice of what the USA, Alberta’s biggest oil buyer was doing with oil before the election? Would it have been prudent for Notley to listen to, and examine what the oil market in the rest of the world was doing before shooting her mouth off about what she and the NDP were going to do for Albertans, especially in a Province that relies heavily on the price of oil for its revenue and well being? That is not what socialists do, what they will do is say anything to sway people over to their side in their thirst to get elected and seize power, even when they know what they tell you is untrue.
Yes, Notley blared out all the things she would do to ruin Alberta running up to the 2015 election. At that time there were a lot of Albertans completely disillusioned with the ruling PC party and they wanted them gone no matter what. Notley received Albertan’s vote to run the Province of Alberta for the people of Alberta, not to run the Province according to her narrow-minded twisted socialist beliefs.
TAKE NOTE, Notley is still blaring her mouth off today in 2021 with the same old rubbish, telling us how smart she is, and only if Albertans would have listened to her. Notley and this NDP could never govern in a time of restraint, as the people that vote NDP in Alberta always have their hands out. Socialists government have to feed those hands to stay in power. Albertans couldn’t wait to kick Notley and the NDP’s sorry asses out of government. Alberta has gone through many boom-and-bust times. But the NDP’s out of control spending and childish behavior put Alberta into a deep hole.
I simply believe no other definition comes this close as to describing the real Racheal Notley and maybe the minister for the NDP that called workers in Alberta “SEWER RATS”.
Merriam-Webster Describes Racheal Notley and her minister in 2b below.
pol·i·ti·cian | \ ˌpä-lə-ˈti-shən \
Definition of politician
1: a person experienced in the art or science of government especially: one actively engaged in conducting the business of a government
2a: a person engaged in party politics as a profession
B: often disparaging: a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or other narrow usually short-sighted reasons
CNN Business put out a full-page headline on April 13, 2015 stating the US was on track for record oil production in 2015 with no end in sight. This report was available to any politician in Alberta who was estimating a budget heavily based on oil futures.
Forbes put out a report by Michael Lynch, Senior Contributor. He says as far back as 2012 he predicted future oil prices to be $50 to $ 60 dollars a barrel in 2015.
The World Bank put out a Second Quarter “Commodity Outlook Report”, Dated April 15, 2015. On page 30 of that report the World Bank estimates future oil prices for the years Racheal Notley was going to be in power and at page 17 it dissects the last 4 oil price crashes.
Here is a chart by the Frazer Institute that shows the off the wall spending of Racheal and the NDP.
why-is-albertas-deficit-still-so-big-infographic-opt.jpg | Fraser Institute
Looking at the chart you will see Kenny shrank the deficient with oil worth less than what Notley had.
Here is another independent report on the NDP’s spending in 2018.
why-is-albertas-deficit-still-so-big-newsrelease.pdf (fraserinstitute.org)
Kevin Milligan wrote an article, dated May 19, 2015 He demonstrates how the NDP Budget is a dismal approach for Alberta.
March 17, 2017 A Statement made straight from the lips of a socialist NDP leader in Alberta concerning the Alberta Budget:
“Anyone who says you can get to balance in 2 or 3 years is talking about laying off thousands of teachers”.
Notley makes the above statement a year after she promised to balance the Alberta budget in 3 years. Was it her intention to lay off “thousands of teachers” when she and the NDP were campaigning for office? This is the trait of a socialist, when caught in a lie, just tell another one to get out of the first one. I guess in retrospect all politicians use this policy, but, none as good as Notley.
Jump now to the first Alberta UCP Budget, tabled. Every bottom feeder, cultured by spend crazy Notley, and the NDP had something negative to say. They all wailed about how the sky would fall because the UCP didn’t increase spending in a drunken stupor like the NDP would have. Take notice that this noise was made by government employed personal, unions and left-wing city mayors. These nay-sayers are the hands that Notley has curried and fed while other less fortunate Alberta’s did without, during her 4-year reign as Premier.
Here is a news clip of their own words, published by a left of center news broadcaster.
The NDP and Notley should never be voted into power again. Notley is a spend crazy socialist/communist who will run down anybody that disagrees with her lack of understanding, that at some point you have to show restraint in spending, and that you may have to make cuts in how you live. I’m not sure how Notley thinks that in 4 years she did a good job for Alberta.
Alberta’s Debt History 1984-85 to 2015-16, Racheal’s First Budget
Debt was rising when oil was $100.00 a barrel ,and when its was $50.00 a barrel. One way to reduce debt is by spending less than you take in. A NDP Government will never cut spending and when the next government makes moderate cuts across the board the NDP scream bloody murder. Wake up Alberta.
DBRS Financial Rating of Alberta to NEGATIVE 2017
Press Release (dbrsmorningstar.com)
This is the real NDP and Notley
When You Read the Following Article you will see where the NDP an Racheal Notley tried to spin a loan from the Heritage Foundation to an Oil Company as a NDP program
The NDP is as rotten as can be!
Here is another reason not to vote NDP.
Think When You Vote:
“Politics and Politicians are a Necessary Evil”, keep the “evil” to a minimum Albertans.
Brett Gaw