“On Friday July 10, 2020, Albertans received some very alarming news,” NDP Opposition Leader Rachel Notley spoke, “according to a survey conducted by the Alberta Medical Association 87% percent of Alberta doctors who were surveyed will be changing their practice by reducing their hours, closing their clinic, resigning from their local hospital or retiring early.”
This kind of headline or news release is rancid. Health authorities in Alberta should foster good practice by disseminating information clearly, with facts and figures that are accurate and without bias. People need to be readably able to grasp and understand information. Not every Albertan has the time to actually investigate and determine if the headline or story they are reading is factual. The “Alberta Medical Association” (AMA) knew the statement they made on July 10 was inappropriate, filled with half truths, and borderline on instilling fear into some people. I say some people because there are some of us, when we see a news release by an association that is tied to our tax dollar, we know most of it is pure bullshit and simply ignore it.
This news release was probably hand delivered to the biggest half truth teller, and fear monger in Alberta, Rachel Notley, head moron of the NDP. This woman is on par with CNN’s crackpot, lying, shitheads in the USA. Notley wouldn’t tell the whole truth about anything, if she thought she could ride it for a little publicity, and demean someone else. The AMA knew Notley would get this story to the front lines, pronto.
The head line is totally misleading. Why, don’t these shitheads, when they put out a news release to the moron NDP include all the facts. We look at this headline and the 87% scare mongering could read like this; Retiring- 15, Reducing hours – 60, Closing their clinic –3, Refusing to do their duty at local hospitals – 20. Now that’s 87%, and give us their names. Names, would without a doubt, shrink the bullshit by 90%. After all, it would only be “ethical” to tell patient’s that their doctor is skipping town, and that the people affected, should seek medical attention in Saskatchewan.
In July 2020, the doctors and the AMA were negotiating a contract with the government, do you really think the doctors are going to send out a news release saying that, they are overjoyed with their contract negotiations? Even if you sent the government’s health minister’s head to them on a silver platter, they would send it back and demand it be sent on gold platter, that just the way it works. It is everybody’s right to negotiate as hard as they can when it comes to bargaining for their work contracts. Look at the teacher’s union, under the tutelage of Notley and the NDP party, we need to hold an emergency meeting because I hear the cost of education is so high parents are going to start knocking their kids in the head with a hammer and throwing them in the dumpster. We need to give that headline to Notley, and the sick, twisted NDP.
Right on cue again, Notley and the NDP had to grandstand the news story by lending it credibility, and posting it on the NDP web site;
“On July 13th, the provincial NDP held a small conference in regards to an emergency debate about the mass exodus of doctors to places outside of Alberta.”
Did Notley, and the NDP mental midgets think the mental acuity of the Alberta voter so low, they could fear monger Albertans with this emergency meeting headline? It goes to show you, just how far the NDP stooges will climb into the sewer hole of politics. Hoffman should give them a lesson on how to really sink low, and get right down to becoming the slime that gushes between you toes, when you have to walk through it, after all she is the NDP expert on “sewer rats”.
The two Hyena after an emergency conference on Doctors leaving AB
Fletcher Kent
By Fletcher Kent Global News
Posted October 12, 2020 4:57 pm
Here is a one liner from Mr. Kent’s article;
“One survey conducted by the Alberta Medical Association suggested 42 per cent of its members were considering leaving Alberta.”
Notley and the goon squad picked up on this one line, in the story, then like a pack of Hyena onto a three-week-old piece of carrion, they conveyed this message to all that would listen;
“Notley informed that, it was found 42% of doctors were also considering leaving Alberta entirely, or have already begun their plans to do so. Notley expressed concern that almost half of the doctors surveyed were considering leaving the province.”
You see how Notley phrases her comment, first she lies, “it was found 42% of doctors were considering leaving Alberta entirely”, and then puts in the not withstanding clause, the just so they can’t call me a liar, “or have already begun their plans to do so”. She could just fall back and say plans change, if questioned on the credibility of her story.
For a person running over a news article, this kind of one liner is apt to stick in your head more than the entire gist of the story. It is highly unprobeable that a person would take the time to look at the government’s website or the Health Ministers, to verify the rubbish put forth by the NDP Hyenas. But if you had you may have seen this;
Tyler Shandro Alberta Health Minister. Tweet
“For the first time in Alberta’s history, we now have over 11,000 doctors registered to work here. This puts to shame the lie, backed by nothing more than disinformation from the NDP and thin reporting, that doctors are leaving the province.”
For months, the NDP have claimed that doctors are leaving Alberta en masse. In fact, the very opposite is true.
Here are the facts:
- The number of doctors in Alberta is growing
- The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA), the independent body which regulates doctors, released their third-quarter report in October on how many doctors are registered to work here. It shows a net gain of 246 doctors or a 2.3-per-cent increase from the year before
This information was available to Notley and the NDP Hyenas. They just chose not to be honest with the Alberta public. It is very hard to understand why many Albertans are considering the NDP again, or is that just some more NDP bullshit and thin reporting.
Here is another article on doctors leaving Alberta en masse.
Headlines from Global News;
Report shows more doctors registered in Alberta last year than in 2019
By Staff: The Canadian Press
Posted January 13, 2021 11:52 am
Here is an article to Notley and the NDP Hyenas, for fear mongering the Alberta people.
The NDP in Pack formation, waiting for the next one liner.